
In South Westphalia, Germany structural change has been reshaping the industrial region for many years. Broadband expansion, digitization in companies and infrastructure for start-ups are just some of the challenges of the 21st century. The development is particularly visible in places where tradition meets modernization and something new emerges from it. In my exploration of this topic, I searched for places for the series Glaube, Sitte, Heimat (Faith, Custom, Home) where people are meeting for many generations to celebrate festivals and spend their free time. The result is a collection of places that stand between tradition and modernity, equally anxious to preserve and renew.

at the Osthaus Museum Hagen

Exhibition of “DIE ANDERE SICHT” at the Osthaus Museum Hagen. The project was initiated in October 2016 by the newspaper Westfallen Post. We were invited to realize a project about the structural change in the region of Südwestfalen.

Opened from
10.03.18 — 28.05.18

With artist:
Laura PeralMarvin SystermansAleksandra WeberYoshiko JentczakChristina StohnRicardo NunesSabine LewandowskiStefanie Preuin

© Marvin Systermans — Berlin